Threskiornis Pelvis Necklace by Offry Mattan

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Threskiornis Pelvis Necklace by Offry Mattan



Traditional silversmithing

32 × 4 cm

Channeling the graceful form of nature, this Necklace is a captivating embodiment of organic design and meticulous artistry. The inspiration behind it is a skeleton of an Ibis- The striking pendant, a large and skillfully crafted representation of the ibis’s pelvis, was entirely handmade. The metal was carefully sawed, shaped, and filed to capture the distinct curvature of the pelvis, while a spine, adorned with brilliant gems, adds a touch of sophisticated elegance. The links of the chain, inspired by the bones of an ibis’s wing, were 3D modeled, cast, filed, and polished to perfection, creating a seamless flow between the pendant and the chain. Crafted from gold-plated brass, this piece harmoniously combines the raw structure of nature with expert artistry, resulting in a bold statement of timeless glamour and natural beauty.

You can visit Offry Mattan Barak’s page here to learn more about her and her work.

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